Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Wish all the best to all!
See soon.
All about Delphi and everything that regards to it.
Happy New Year!!!
Wish all the best to all!
See soon.
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I didn’t create new posts for some period because I was little busy. But now I have some free time and I decided to use it for writing this post. As you guessed from the title this post is about innovations in Delphi 2006.
Browsing the Internet I have found many interesting posts about Delphi 2006. But all this posts are located on different sites. Since I still don’t have Delphi 2006 I can forgot some of the new features as I can’t test them immediately after reading about them. So I made a decision to collect links on the most interesting posts and read those posts again after receiving Delphi 2006. I also decided to share those links with you. So, let’s begin …
[Updated 28.12.05]
A First Look at Delphi 2006
Borland Developer Studio 2006
What's new in Delphi 2006 - by Malcolm Groves and Jason Vokes
Introducing OnMouseEnter/OnMouseLeave events on TControl in VCL for Delphi 2006 - at last (IMHO)
Making use of templates
Creating Code Templates - Basics (Delphi2006)
Automatically close files implicitly opened during debugging
Hidden feature, anyone?! (Delphi2006)
Interesting ECO Links
Delphi 2006 Hidden COM Registry Entries
If I find some more I'll update this topic. Stay tuned...
If you have something to add you can do this in comments. I'll be very much appreciate for that!
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I am finding on forums question about "How to install a new component in Delphi 2005?" very often. The reason of this question is that in Delphi 2005 the main menu item "Install component" was removed.
I have found a simple step by step tutorial which explains how to do this. Now I am sharing this tutorial with you.
First part of the original tutorial
Second part of the original tutorial
Tutorial translated into Russian by myself
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Labels: Article, Tips and Tricks